在 JEWELIVES,我们深知水的补充是儿童积极生活方式的关键,我们相信水的补充应该像游戏时间一样有趣。这就是为什么我们的儿童水瓶系列不仅仅是功能性的--它还具有吸引人的特点,其充满活力的设计和创新的功能吸引着年轻的冒险家们。我们专注于不含双酚 A(BPA)的水瓶,确保每一口水都安全、愉悦。

Why Choose Us As Your Wholesale Silicone Water Bottle Supplier
Certifications: Our factory has successively passed ISO9001, SGS, Sedex, BSCI certifications, as well as Disney and Walmart factory audits. Our silicone products have passed CPC, FDA, LFGB, and CE certifications.
Customization Services: We offer comprehensive customization, including custom logos, colors, packaging, and exterior design.
1000W Capacity: With a production base of 12,000 square meters and 5 production lines, we have a monthly capacity of 10 million pieces.
Professional Design Team: Our design team consists of more than 30 designers and engineers who create 100 innovative designs each year, and we apply for patents for some of these designs.
Types of Wholesale Silicone Water Bottle In Bulk

Spherical Silicone Water Bottles
This silicone water bottle, when folded, takes on various classic spherical shapes, including but not limited to soccer balls, basketballs, tennis balls, volleyballs, and golf balls. Unfolded, it becomes a regular drinking bottle.

Cartoon-Shaped Water Bottles
This series of water bottles features designs that are popular with children, including adorable cats, bears, game controllers, donuts, ice creams, hamburgers, unicorns, and more.

Classic Straight-Sided Bottles
These classic straight-sided water bottles come in a variety of colors or gradient finishes. They are available in both standard food-grade silicone and the latest liquid silicone materials. They are also foldable.

Multiple Accessories Available
A range of accessories is available to make your water bottle stand out. Our water bottle accessories include one-touch flip lids, lids with gravity balls, pacifier-style straws, and convenient carrying straps, among others.
我们的各种儿童水瓶都以安全耐用为宗旨。我们提供不含双酚 A 的水瓶,包括标志性的硅胶水瓶,这些水瓶柔软而有韧性,确保能够经受住童年的风风雨雨。尤其是硅胶可折叠水瓶,因其多功能性和便利性而备受青睐。这不仅是为了补充水分,更是为了让孩子们放心,因为每个水瓶都不含双酚 A 等有害化学物质。
每个硅胶水瓶上都装饰有充满童趣的卡通图案,能够捕捉孩子们的想象力。它们不仅仅是水瓶,更是寻找水分的伙伴。我们的定制水瓶不含 bpa,折叠后可从一个标准水瓶变成一个球形,成为孩子们的收藏。无论是在学校、野餐还是体育锻炼时,这种创新设计都能节省空间,带来欢乐。
作为一家领先的硅胶工厂,我们能够为您的孩子量身定制不含双酚A(BPA)的水瓶,并为孩子的独特个性量身定制水瓶,对此我们深感自豪。从将水瓶塑造成最喜欢的玩具形状,到印上心爱的卡通人物或品牌标志,我们的定制选项数不胜数。我们的硅胶可折叠水瓶有足球、篮球、网球和高尔夫球等经典球形,是定制项目的热门选择。家长和机构可以要求定制设计、颜色,甚至是特殊的礼品盒包装,以获得真正的个性化体验。我们的定制水瓶不含双酚 A(BPA),设计符合个人口味,让补充水分变得更加个性化和有趣。

Every silicone water bottle we produce undergoes strict quality control measures to ensure it meets our high standards of safety and performance. Our BPA-free bottles are not only safe for children but also environmentally friendly, encouraging a habit of reusable water bottles that benefit the planet. When you choose our BPA-free bottles, you’re choosing a product that is as dedicated to health as it is to style.
在 JEWELIVES,我们邀请您探索我们专为批发市场设计的硅胶水瓶的广泛产品线。我们对质量、安全和创新的承诺使我们成为寻求为客户提供最佳水合解决方案的公司的理想合作伙伴。无论您是对我们的标准硅胶水瓶、独特的可折叠硅胶水瓶,还是不含双酚 A 的定制水瓶感兴趣,我们都能在保持最高生产标准的同时,满足批量订单的需求。
与 JEWELIVES 携手,共同为世界各地的儿童带来快乐和便利。现在就联系我们,讨论您的批发需求以及我们如何合作创造出吸引您的市场的产品。
Elevate your business with our silicone water bottle manufacturing services.
We offer flexible MOQs, customizable orders, free sampling, and efficient production. Reach out for a quick quote and we’ll respond