Новорожденный младенец обезьяна прорезыватель для зубов игрушки


Возрастной диапазон0 to 24 Months
Product:Silicone teether
ТипДетский прорезыватель
ХарактеристикаНетоксичный пищевой силикон класса BPA Free

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About Infant Teething Toys

Safety: 100% food-grade silicone, BPA-free, non-toxic, FDA-compliant.

Easy to clean and sterilize.

Function: Relieve discomfort from baby’s gums: Relieve discomfort from baby’s gums during teething, also helps sensory development, and cultivates the dexterity of baby’s little hands.

Rich variety: There are multiple infant teething toys in different colors and shapes in this set, and come with a high-quality storage box.

Многоцелевой: Infant teething toys are perfect for baby showers, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and any other gift-giving occasions (suitable teething toys for 6-12 month old babies).

infant teething toys infant teething toys infant teething toys infant teething toys infant teething toys infant teething toys infant teething toys

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