младенческое молоко ребенок кормления бутылки для новорожденных

МатериалPP, Silicon
Тип узораМультфильм
Скорость потокаVariable Flow
МатериалFood grade PP+silicone
ЦветBlue/Pink/Yellow/Green or customized
ХарактеристикаBPA Free/Phthalates Free/Eco-friendly
СертификатCE/CPC/CCPSA/EN71 etc

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Unique opening and tip design releases milk only when baby is actively drinking; when stopping to swallow and breathe, no milk comes out of the bottle, just as it does at the breast

Our baby bottles make it easy to combine breastfeeding and bottle-feeding with wide, breast-shaped nipples that are soft to the touch and mimic the shape and feel of the breast, so babies can control the flow of milk

The non-drip nipple design helps prevent milk loss from the bottle tip, giving you peace of mind


D-Baby Feeding Bottle D-Baby Feeding Bottle D-Baby Feeding Bottle D-Baby Feeding Bottle D-Baby Feeding Bottle D-Baby Feeding Bottle

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